An Extraordinary Account and Examination of Mankind's Timeless Connection with the Spiritual Universe

Able and Beth stumbled on Korr while practicing past life regression under hypnosis. Korr first came through to Beth on May 16, 1987. Since that time Beth has gone into tape induced or later, self induced trance, to channel Korr's voice. At each session Able asked questions and recorded the answers. Then on October 5, 1987 Toddlee joined in. Both Masters Korr and Masters Toddlee have told Able and Beth that what they bring cannot be used for financial gain.

As God sent a messenger with the Ten Commandments to Moses, He has now sent "Black Diamonds" to mankind in the same manner. There will be those who read and believe it to be a message from their eternal Father and there will be those who do not believe. Since the beginning, that is the way it has always been.

This book is dedicated to the loving memory of beloved Beth who has now gone on but will hopefully inspire those of us still in our search with those words and ideals she, along with Able, was able to pass along.


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